Friday, 7 February 2020

How To Optimize Your Time

How to optimize your time?

1. Decide what your “why” (passion, purpose) is in life and prioritise accordingly.

Always work for your passion that will help you to succeed in life. 2. Try to work to live; not live to work.

Work is always important for living so try to work to live.

3. Plan ahead but be open to spontaneity.

Sometimes plans doesn't work according to you so be open to spontaneity.

4. Avoid procrastination; break larger tasks into smaller, manageable ones.

You have to break your tasks sometimes to achieve it and that's fine. 5. Set a time limit for each task.

Time limits helps to make the task easy as people will take it sportingly.

6. Remember that “good” is good enough; perfection is a myth.

Yes good can be better but real perfection is myth. 7. Learn to delegate.

Headings says the all. 8. Clear your mind between tasks and meetings to be more efficient.

Always prepare your mind for better understanding and to discuss that on meetings.

9. Don’t multitask; it’s often counter-productive. Focus singularly.

It is not everytime but in most of the cases multitask can be less productive in nature. 10. Don’t waste time waiting for things to happen; be proactive or move on.

Take the time when it is necessary but not always. Be proactive or go for another things. 11. Learn to say “no;” you can’t be all things to everyone.

I will be sharing a whole post blog on it soon, Learn to say no is really important in your life. 12. Do less to often achieve more.

Try to maximize your profit by doing less to achieve more. Most importantly, value the quality of your time over the quantity. Life is far too short to waste valuable seconds.

That's all for it!

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