Thursday, 6 February 2020

Startup Myths

Startup Myths

It is not really difficult to start a new company, It is just an Idea which you have to implement to make your life right. Lets talk about all of these:

Here are startup myths: 1. “It’s too late to start a company, I’m no longer in my 20's.” Startups need a lot of things to align for them to be successful: product market fit, strong leadership, culture, luck, etc. But increasingly successful founders are older with the new average age in mid 40's. Yes, you heard it right I have seen many startups that are started by some people in their 40's. It is nowhere mention to be in your 20's and open your startup.

2. “It’s better to start a company with people I trust like my close friends, family members or spouse.” Maybe, but probably not. Trust is important, but startups are messy, time-consuming, and emotional journeys. Your existing relationships will change and be tested in ways that are impossible to predict. Be mindful of this and consider alternatives before defaulting to those closest to you. Business involves money and that involves hardwork and tensions too. 3. “I should start my company while working full-time.” Maybe. It’s good to have a plan before leaving a job, but it’s also dangerous to burn bridges by staying too long and underperforming. So,
(1) work hard to ensure that you’re exceeding expectations in your current role.
(2) Come up with tests & thresholds for your startup success and set decision deadlines,
(3) and always make an effort to leave on good terms.
4. "We will get great profits as our idea is great or unique"

Maybe. Not every great idea would start with huge profits, You have to be calm and patient for a good success. Sometimes people needs some time to know the real worth of your idea.

Don't forget startup is a start of business and things needs time to be great.

That's all for it!

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