Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Being Without a Job from Long Time

Being without a job from long time now!

Tired of being WITHOUT a JOB? If it’s been more than 3 months, try this : Change below things in your job search strategy.

1. Get a fresh pair of eyes to review your resume

It may not be as good as you think, and you may not be getting through it due to formatting or lack of key wording.

You can also try to make your fresh resume with different formats and good key wording.

2. Review your LinkedIn Profile.

You have 2,500 characters to use in the summary section to “sell” your skills, experience and qualifications.

Linkedin account is must in today's world of job searching. You can also do the same on Naukri and Indeed profile.

3. Pay closer attention to job descriptions, not job titles.

Are you actually qualified for the jobs you are applying for?

This is the important question that you can ask from yourself because if you are skills and experience doesn't match with the job descriptions then how can any recruiter can give you a job.

4. Increase your meaningful engagement on LinkedIn or in Naukri/Indeed.

The algorithm “rewards” activity by raising your profile in searches on linkedin.

You can also do this by applying on jobs in Naukri/Indeed

5. Spend more time researching the company ahead of interviews.

You have to know about the company where you are going for an interview to better understand it.

6. Practice behavioural/competency-based interview questions.

Always practice interview questions as a mock interview.

7. Call former colleagues and catch up in person.

For better understanding of the changing procedures in any company.

8. Attend “Meet Ups” with people from your industry and "Network".

Again, For better understanding of the requirements and to develop new skills.

8. Try a different recruiter.

There are many companies and their recruiters so if one fails then you can go for another.

9. Try another job site.

There are many job websites available and you can upload your resume in each of them for quicker results.
The key lies in adjusting something if your current status is getting you nowhere. In Life we have to BE the change that we seek! 

That's all for it!

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